Scottsdale Acupuncture


Attitude Of Gratitude – Part 1

Posted Sunday, December 14th, 2014 by

gratitude, scottsdale, acupuncture, wellness, health, happiness, wellbeing, mental health

Life in the 21st century can be overwhelming at times. We are constantly bombarded with the notion that having more possessions is important and of value. Whether it is material objects, wealth or relationships, the premise is—if you are able to acquire new and greater objects, you will be happy. If this were true, every rich person would be among the happiest human beings in the world. Oftentimes, however, this idea only leads to a lust for further acquisition.

There is enormous variance in terms of what people consider to be “sufficient.” Each person’s view of reality can differ greatly from the next. But there is one thing that can help create internal peace and harmony in all people when it comes to having enough stuff. Gratitude is the one thing that helps shift from a perspective of always needing more to a place of satisfaction with what one already has.

What is gratitude?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines gratitude as “a feeling of appreciation or thanks”. While this is a rather simple definition, it provides a concise and palatable explanation of the term. Feeling appreciative or thankful is a state of being that can quickly shift a person’s emotional state from one of lack and limitation to one of peace and harmony.

Why is it important to be grateful?

Being grateful for the people and possessions you have in your life is extremely important. When you are grateful for these things, your energy shifts to a place where you truly appreciate all that you have. You are far less focused on what you don’t have. People who spend time in a state of gratitude are often more happy with their position in life; they are not expending energy focused on a perceived need to acquire more and more possessions.

What you think affects how you feel; this is a simple truth. When you spend time being grateful, you elicit a positive feeling and a greater sense of well-being. This state of being can improve your health, strengthening your immune system and positively impacting other bodily functions. In contrast, when you spend time focused on all the things you don’t have, you elicit feelings of lack and limitation. These thoughts and feelings can potentially cause disease and illness, as the body will begin to mirror your negative emotional state.

In part two of this series we will provide information on how you can become more grateful. We hope you will find this series useful in helping you strive for an attitude of gratitude!