Scottsdale Acupuncture


What Do You Desire?

Posted Monday, August 4th, 2014 by

desire acupuncture scottsdale

In previous blog posts we have talked about life in the 21st century, how busy and distracted society has become. There is a constant barrage of stimuli that we encounter throughout the day, from the moment we wake up until the moment we go to sleep. Rarely is there a quiet moment unless we take the time to create one, which is why meditation and stillness are so very important to practice on a daily basis. Setting aside all of the many things we do, it is imperative that we check in with ourselves and ask deep, meaningful questions that look at our motivations, perspectives and reality.

So many people are on autopilot, meaning that they are just going through the motions. They are doing things that require very little thought, living a life that is determined by a schedule and responsibilities. Tasks are accomplished; objects are purchased while others are thrown away. We move through life as consumers who are basically numb to our surroundings, thoughts and emotions. We have forgotten to pay attention to our environment, to the people around us, to nature, to our deepest desires and needs. It is time to wake up, to slow down, and to “check in” within you.

What do you desire?

So, what is it you desire? This is one of the most important questions we could ask ourselves, yet we hardly ever seek an answer to this inquiry beyond our basic needs and wants. Desire is an essential component to change, growth and the pursuit of happiness. Desire is the fire that needs to be lit (and tended to) as it will propel a person forward—toward living a life that is fulfilled and complete. You must know what you desire—and also recognize that what you desire can change and morph as you grow and develop. Asking a question like this is profound and existential; it must be given the proper amount of time and energy so you can look deep within to find the answer. There are no limits, and nothing is static. But you must make sure you are not bound to the preconceived notions created by society and those around you. What you desire should not be confined by other peoples’ perceptions or fears; you must break free from these limitations. This is all about you, who you are, and what you truly desire.

When you ask young children what they desire, you will be presented with a variety of answers. But you should note that their responses are not confined to the reality of adults in the 21st century. Children’s desires are wide-ranging and self-serving; they haven’t been weighed down and confined to the limited options presented as they enter adulthood. In many ways it’s important to look deep inside and find that inner-child who hasn’t yet been told who he is and what he can and cannot do.

It’s also important to note the personal “uniqueness” of desire. Your reality is a collection of memories that compose your life. What you desire is a direct result of those experiences. Since you are the only one to have those exact memories, your desires will be unique. While it is true that you can share similar desires with others (and it is important to find people of similar perspectives), your reality and the desires it has forged will be personal to you. You must honor that. You must be clear and confident that your desires are truly your own and not constricted or confined by what someone else wants or thinks. No one can ever truly know what it’s like to be someone else; and therefore, no one should ever critique or criticize another person’s desires based on his own.

The late Alan Watts, one of the greatest philosophers of our time, spent a considerable portion of his life addressing modern behaviors and mental constructs from an Eastern perspective. One subject that he spoke about at length was desire, prompting his audience to seek answers within and not be confined to the constructs, fears and limitations of society. His work was profound and has enriched the lives of so many people who have studied his teachings. We would like to share a short video clip titled “What Do You Desire” that contains audio of Alan Watts talking about this very subject.