Scottsdale Acupuncture


Do What You Love, Love What You Do!

Posted Sunday, April 5th, 2015 by

love, passion, work, health

Do you do what you love? Do you love what you do? When was the last time you thought about this very subject? Have you been too busy running errands, working hard or have you just been too exhausted to even think about it?

Many people strive to lead lives that are filled with love, joy, and happiness. At the core of this pursuit is developing and maintaining a passion for life and the many things that comprise it. It is important to find people, places and things that you enjoy deeply and which enable you to derive a sense of satisfaction.

This blog post encourages you to take some time to think about the things going on in your life, and to ask yourself if you are doing what you love, and loving what you do. Taking time to think about this will help you to develop a fresh perspective on the life you lead. Delving into this topic can also allow you to make some helpful changes, as you will be able to shift away from the things you don’t like towards the things that you love.

Are you doing what you love?

Life in the 21st century is a busy one; there are so many things to do and so few hours in the day to do them. Often, we find ourselves running around taking care of various responsibilities that require our attention, time and energy. Many people accomplish these things without deriving any true sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from them.

So how can we change that? How can we shift towards doing what we love when we have all these things to take care of on a daily basis? Those are good questions that will yield subjective answers that contain a variety of possibilities. It is true that there will always be tasks that need to be taken care of, but we can start shifting our attention towards activities that we truly enjoy. We can also strive to find joy in even the most mundane of activities.

Do you love what you do?

People often define themselves based on their career(s). Having a job that helps to fulfill your life purpose is an amazing thing to have; yet most people work at jobs they aren’t passionate about. There are many reasons for this, ranging from the salary a person earns to their situation(s) in life. Since work tends to take up the majority of time a person spends during the week, having a profession that is undesirable can create a lot of problems. If it isn’t possible to make a career change, then it’s imperative to find people, places and things outside of work that can create a sense of meaning and satisfaction for you. In a previous blog post titled “What Is Your Life Purpose”, we provide information as to how a person can discover their life purpose. If you get a moment we suggest you take the time to read through this article, as it directly relates to the one you are reading right now.

One of the most important things in life is to do what you love and love what you do. When you make a conscious decision to do what you love, life can be filled with endless possibilities. This is because your attention is centered on the enjoyment of whatever you’re doing in that present moment and loving it. By combining your ability to be present with a love of what is being accomplished, you can experience an overwhelming sense of peace and happiness, and share it by virtue of your very presence. These are things that the world can always use more of.