Scottsdale Acupuncture


Three Things You Should Never Juice

Posted Wednesday, July 1st, 2015 by

juicing, juice, vegetables, health

Juicing has become a popular and convenient way for many people to get a variety of nutrients and vitamins. In a previous blog post titled “What Should I Be Juicing?” we went into detail about the benefits, best time of day to juice and provided a detailed vegetable juice prescription.

Since the publishing of that article, patients at Above & Beyond Acupuncture have been inquiring about other items that can – and cannot – be juiced. We wanted to take some time to list three things that should never be juiced and why they should be avoided. If you’ve been juicing, or are considering starting, we suggest you take a few minutes to read through this important information.

Should I avoid juicing fruit(s)?

An important rule to follow when starting a daily juicing regimen is to ‘eat your fruits and juice your vegetables.’ Fruit juice is sweet and can taste more appetizing to those with a ‘sweet tooth’, but it contains a considerable amount of sugar that can have adverse effects on the body.

When juicing fruit, all the fiber is eliminated. This causes the body to absorb the sugar quickly, which results in an immediate spiking of insulin and energy levels. Because sugar isn’t a high quality source of energy, it can lead to an energy crash which leaves people feeling agitated, irritable and sluggish. [Link] It is important to note that the fiber in fruit acts as a protective barrier, so that when it enters the digestive system the sugars are not immediately absorbed. If you insist upon adding some fruit to your juice, we suggest using the smallest amount possible and selecting fruit with a lower glycemic load.

What vegetables or fruits should never be juiced?

A common question that patients ask is if there are any items they should avoid juicing. posted some helpful information about a few different fruits and vegetables that shouldn’t be juiced. Their list includes: [Link]

Citrus rinds: Citrus peels like oranges and grapefruits contain indigestible oil that can be hard on the stomach. Lemons and limes are excluded from this list as they are fine to juice whole.
Carrot Greens: Carrot tops are not edible. They are toxic and should not be eaten or juiced.
Papaya Peels: Papaya peels are not edible and cannot be juiced.
Apple Seeds: Apple seeds contain a small amount of arsenic and shouldn’t be juiced. While the juicer usually removes them safely it is best not to juice them as a precautionary measure.
Wild Parsnips: Wild parsnips should never be juiced as they contain several poisons.

Should I only juice organic produce?

When patients at Above & Beyond Acupuncture are introduced to juicing, it is strongly advised that everything being juiced is organic. This will eliminate the potential for harmful pesticides to be consumed. By juicing non-organic vegetables and fruits, concentrated chemicals can enter the body and potentially cause harm.

Not everyone can afford to buy organic produce, so it is important to know which non-organic items should be avoided. published a list called ‘the dirty dozen’ that includes non-organic fruits and vegetables that have been shown to contain high levels of pesticides and chemicals. [Link]

Here is ‘the dirty dozen’ (from highest to lowest levels of pesticides):

  1. Apples
  2. Strawberries
  3. Grapes
  4. Celery
  5. Peaches
  6. Spinach
  7. Sweet bell peppers
  8. Nectarines (imported)
  9. Cucumbers
  10. Cherry tomatoes
  11. Snap peas (imported)
  12. Potatoes

Juicing is a great way to improve and maintain health and wellness if done properly and regularly. We hope that you found this blog to be useful and will avoid juicing the items discussed.

Above & Beyond Acupuncture serves the Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa and Glendale neighborhoods. Please give us a call or use the online scheduler to book your appointment at your convenience.