Scottsdale Acupuncture


Analysis Paralysis

Posted Friday, December 26th, 2014 by

analysis, paralysis, scottsdale, acupuncture

In any given day a person is presented with numerous choices that contain a variety of options. Some of these situations are simple and mundane while others are complex and important. It is vital to take the necessary time to think through the issues and make the best decisions possible with the information available. One problem that many people encounter on a regular basis is a form of paralysis when it comes to making decisions. There is a sense of having too many options and a fear that if the wrong one is chosen it can have a cascading effect, bringing about negative repercussions. As society continues to evolve and technology plays a greater role in our lives, we will be required to make more decisions in ever less time. Because of this inevitability, we wanted to address how important it is to not get trapped in an overly-analytical state of mind when it comes to decision-making.

What does analysis paralysis mean?

A concise definition is that analysis paralysis occurs when a person becomes lost in the process of examining and evaluating various pieces of information, rendering him unable to make a decision. Analysis paralysis can take hold in any decision-making exercise, irrespective of whether it involves a personal or professional matter. [Link]

There is a reasonable amount of contemplation that can—and should—take place when making decisions. However, when a person becomes overwhelmed with the process, analysis paralysis can result.

What can I do to avoid experiencing analysis paralysis?

One of the best tools a person can use to overcome analysis paralysis is meditation.

Practicing meditation on a regular basis has many health benefits that improve the condition of the mind, body and soul. Meditation allows a person to quiet his mind. This is a valuable skill that will provide the necessary clarity leading to better and more effective decision-making. If there are some complicated decisions that need to be made, a great way to manage the complexity is to allow your mind to sort them out while meditating. This can be done by thinking about the issue(s) at hand before you start your meditation. When you finish, oftentimes you will experience a sense of clarity. This is when the best decisions can be made. In a previous blog post titled “The Many Benefits Of Meditation,” we discussed what meditation is and provided some suggestions on how to start practicing it.

Listening to your instincts is extremely important when making decisions, especially if you’re suffering with analysis paralysis. Oftentimes people will ask for advice or direction from everyone around them—even when they already know the correct answer. The information obtained from these external sources can inadvertently convolute the decision-making process. While it can be helpful to get advice from other people, the decision-maker’s own instincts should carry the most weight. The next time you’re making a decision, listen to your own instincts first; more often than not, it will lead you to the right decision.

Another helpful method to alleviate analysis paralysis is to establish a decision-making deadline. It is likely that you already have all the relevant information and are capable of choosing the best option. Setting a specific date and time to commit to the decision will help the process along.

Analysis paralysis affects the lives of many people. If you find yourself having a difficult time making decisions, schedule an appointment with the practitioners at Above & Beyond Acupuncture. We are here to help you help yourself.