Scottsdale Acupuncture


Embracing Change – Part 1

Posted Saturday, November 29th, 2014 by

change, embrace, scottsdale, acupuncture, wellbeing, holistic, health, growth, progress, moving forward

One of the most common issues patients talk about at Above & Beyond Acupuncture is change. One of the few guarantees in life is that change will take place, as it is the only constant and dependable force within nature. Human beings tend to have an innate resistance to change and often fight hard to maintain the status quo. These efforts are in vain, despite the expenditure of a tremendous amount of energy, time and resources. Learning to embrace change is truly a valuable skill, one that has the ability to end physical, emotional and spiritual suffering. Change is a vital part of life and should be welcomed. It has the potential to improve one’s life if properly embraced. This subject is essential to those looking to improve themselves, so we hope you will take the time to read this blog post as many times as needed to grasp the concepts.

Why am I so scared of change?

People in general are creatures of habit, creating lives that are filled with comfort and repetition. Knowing what to expect from the things and people around us is often desired and created; yet, in reality, life is full of variables and unexpected events.

One of the biggest factors when it comes to being scared of change is the fear of the unknown. Not knowing what to expect can cause a tremendous amount of anxiety and stress in people, leading them to make decisions from a place of fear. These decisions can have a systemic and negative effect on their lives, as they are not thinking clearly. While it is understandable that not knowing what to expect could potentially lead to adverse conditions, it can also be a source of great possibility and potential. Being present—striving to live in the moment—is extremely important and can help to alleviate the fear of the unknown. When a person is living in the present, he is no longer spending time thinking about the past or the future; he is living in the moment. People who are filled with fears of the unknown take memories from the past (usually negative ones) and shade their future with these thoughts. Any positive potential for change is quickly negated as fears and other limitations set in. In a previous blog post titled “The Power Of Being Present,” we provided information and tools to help learn about being present. If you have a fear of the unknown, we suggest you read that post and strive to be present, as it will help you embrace change more easily.

Another reason many people fear change is that they doubt themselves and don’t know their true potential. A lack of self-confidence and proper understanding of what is possible can create an internal environment of fear, especially with regard to change. When people doubt themselves, they will think that change can overcome them and force them out of their comfort zone. These doubts and a lack of confidence can also alter the way a person perceives change, making it seem a lot bigger and more complicated than it really is. Believing in yourself is an important facet of life. Without confidence in your capabilities, there will always be doubts. Learning to trust yourself is a process; it is a worthy endeavor that can improve your reality. If you’ve experienced these issues, the first step towards shifting is to do your best day in and day out. Your best might vary from day to day. However, if you strive to do your best, you will slowly build confidence and start feeling better about yourself. Regardless of the challenge, be the very best person you can be.

Having strong attachments to people, places and things will often cause a significant fear of change. Since change is the only constant in life, there is almost 100% certainty that your life and the things in it will change. The harder a person holds on to people, places and things, the harder life becomes. It is far easier to allow the change to take place. Learning to let go and allowing things to come in and out of your life is an important skill—one that should be worked on. When you respect the flow of life, change can be effortless. Things will come and go without causing unnecessary suffering.

In part 2 of this series we will go into detail on what you can do to embrace change. We hope you will begin to understand that change is not to be feared. It can be an amazing motivator and creator when viewed with a positive perspective.