Scottsdale Acupuncture


Embracing Change – Part 2

Posted Saturday, December 6th, 2014 by

do not resist change

Please note that this post is the second part of a series titled “Embracing Change.” If you’ve not already done so, we suggest that you read part one, as it addresses some of the reasons why people fear change. Please click here to view that post: [Link]

How can I embrace change?

Before you can learn to embrace change, you must first identify why you are afraid of it. This is an important part of the process. In part 1 we provided a few causes that can trigger fear and concern when confronted with a change in your life. Having a proper understanding as to why you’re feeling adverse to change is an essential step towards learning how to embrace it. Now that you are aware of your fear(s), it’s time to learn some helpful tools and methods.

Perception is one of the most important factors when it comes to learning how to embrace change. “Perception is reality” is a famous phrase, and it’s applicable to this subject. What it means is that the way you see something (like change) is the way it will become. If you perceive something to be hard, tough or bad, it will become those things because that’s what you believe. The best thing you can do is to start watching your words. Eliminate the negative ones and replace them with more positive and constructive descriptors. In a previous blog post titled “Watch Your Words,” we addressed the importance of watching the words that come out of your mouth. You can shift your perspective by simply using words that make you feel good, while eliminating those words that generate negative or constricting sentiments.

Being courageous in the face of change is not only helpful but oftentimes necessary. Summoning courage is not always an easy thing; it can take time to build. This will require practice and the ability to quiet your mind, as it is the mind that can create roadblocks and obstacles when seeking to embrace change. One very useful tool that can be used to settle the thoughts running through your head is meditation. In a previous blog post titled “The Many Benefits Of Meditation,” we discussed what it is and provided some suggestions on how to start practicing it. Everyone can benefit from daily meditation. Once you are able to quiet your mind, you can look deep within yourself to understand why you lack courage and then start building it. Then, the next time you are confronted with change, you will be able to use your new-found courage to embrace it, while not allowing your fears to defeat the effort.

When learning to embrace change, it is important that you eliminate any preconceived expectations and potential outcomes. The truth is that high expectations often lead to high levels of disappointment. Expectations are created within your mind and are based on past memories that are then projected into the future. Memories of the past are not always accurate, and when they are used in this manner, they often cause interference and bring about fear and concern. Being present—living in the present moment—is the most effective way to absolve you from expectations and detach you from potential outcomes. In a previous blog titled “The Power Of Being Present,” we provided some useful tools to help you stay in the present moment.

Change is something everyone has to deal with—regardless of who you are and where you’re at in life. Because this is so, the best thing you can do is to learn to love change, which is something that might be difficult at first but can become easier with practice. Look at change with a positive perspective; understand that change can help you and be a wonderful motivator for growth.

We hope this blog series has provided you with some valuable information and tools. The next time change presents itself in your life, do your best to embrace it!