Scottsdale Acupuncture


Speak Less, Mean More

Posted Saturday, January 31st, 2015 by

Speak Less, Mean More

When it comes to personal interactions, verbal communication is an essential component. It is the basis for relaying messages, information, feelings and emotions. As our society has become more dependent on technology, communication has evolved to a point where much of the interaction exists only within a digital domain. This presents an impersonal way of speaking to other people; it strips away any body language and facial expressions that might be conveyed when speaking in person. Regardless of whether the communication is in person or taking place digitally, one problem that many people have is speaking carelessly and unconsciously.

Why is it important to speak less and mean more?

The act of speaking just to speak—without any specific purpose—or to speak without being conscious of the words being used, is not only a waste of time, it is also a poor expenditure of energy. When communication takes place without any thought behind it, there remains a lack of value and definition. Whatever message is being relayed can quickly become discounted, viewed more as unnecessary noise than important information. Many people will spend significant amounts of time speaking for no apparent reason, other than the fact they feel the need for senseless chatter. There are others who find that silence is rather uncomfortable, so filling the void with unconscious communication is preferable.

Communication is an essential part of being a human being in that it fulfills a basic need to interact with others. However, it needs to be consciously metered. Measuring what you say and how you say it will allow you to speak with more meaning and value. Speaking less doesn’t have to mean using fewer words or spending less time doing it. What it means is that when you choose to speak, there is thought, meaning and value in the words you use.

How can I speak less and mean more?

Before making any changes to how you communicate, you must first become more aware of your behavior. Take a moment to think back to the conversations you’ve had over the past day or two and analyze the content. Were you doing your best to talk about issues that were important? Did you make a conscious effort to be concise? Did you spend time focused on the topic or did you find yourself getting off track? Did you find yourself engaged in conversations about nothing in particular? How many conversations did you have that were filled with mindless chatter? Properly understanding your communication patterns and behavior is an essential step toward learning how to speak less and mean more.

One of the easiest ways to speak less and mean more is to be fully present and speak consciously. What this means is that are you engaged with what you are doing in that moment. Being present is something that should be prioritized. It has the ability to change your reality and the communication taking place within it. In a previous blog post titled “The Power Of Being Present,” we discussed what it means to be present and provided some helpful tools. Being present is extremely important. If you’re interested in speaking less and meaning more, we strongly suggest you read that article.

Another effective way to help you speak less and mean more is to start watching your words. While it seems like an obvious way to modify your communication behavior, it’s something many people don’t do. Words create your reality, so when you speak unconsciously you can inadvertently create unwanted situations. In a previous blog post titled “Watch Your Words,” we discussed this topic in some detail. If you find yourself not paying attention to the words you’re using, please read through that article. It will provide useful information that will help you become a more conscious communicator.

Learning how to speak less and mean more is a process that can take some time. The point is not to limit the total number of words that you speak, but more to refine what you do say. If the necessary effort is put forth, a great shift can take place within your daily communications. We encourage you to reduce—and then eliminate—the senseless chatter and replace it with meaningful and thoughtful interactions that will help you lead a more meaningful existence.